Posted in Color, Commercial Design, Interior Design, Office Design on November 28, 2018
Sometimes you have to come to the design rescue. And that’s just what we did when our client, Infinity Direct, a marketing company in Minneapolis, contacted us, saying that the space felt a little busy and overwhelming. So, we...Posted in Accessories, Color, Lifestyle, Lighting, Technology on October 3, 2018
by: Julie Ann Segal Have you switched to LED light bulbs in your home? If not, you may want to consider the interesting ways they illuminate your space. LED (light-emitting diode) is not just for lighting your way through...Posted in Art, Color, Featured Artists on June 6, 2018
Paige Dansinger isn’t your typical artist. Her latest work involves projecting drawings of flowers onto the ceiling of the Minneapolis Central Library as part of the Northern Spark Art Festival this weekend. The unusual part is that the flowers are created in...Posted in Art, Bedding, Color, Decluttering, Faux Finishes, Feng Shui, Furniture, Home Design, Interior Design, Uncategorized, Window Coverings on February 9, 2018
Looking to sell your home? Staging your home is an important task that ensures a faster sale. At Metro Interiors, we like to make the home feel good for the potential buyer – they should be able to easily...Posted in Art, Color, Featured Artists, Interior Design, Wall Coverings on February 9, 2018
Hidden gems abound in Minnesota collage artist Kristi Abbott’s detailed pieces. Her art is like a treasure hunt: intricately laid pieces of textured paper create a tapestry of pop culture details come to life. One of her pieces titled...Posted in Art, Color, Featured Artists, Home Design, Interior Design on December 19, 2017
A native Minnesotan, Leon Zobel says his soul is from Hawaii, and resonates more with the tropics and the oceans. He’s drawn since he was a young child, and painted for over 30 years, admittedly becoming less and less...Posted in Color, Commercial Design, Interior Design on June 23, 2017
How do you want the space to feel? Positive first impressions of a building are based on feelings – when people enter they have an immediate reaction as to whether they want to linger or leave. Color has the...Posted in Accessories, Art, Color, Decluttering, Home Design, Interior Design, Residential Design on June 19, 2017
Laundry and mud rooms are utilitarian spaces, but that doesn’t mean that they have to look the part! Because they’re the place where families likely enter the home most often these days, it’s important that they be functional, organized,...Posted in Accessories, Color, Dining Tables, Furniture, Home Design, Interior Design, Residential Design, Uncategorized on January 16, 2017
Click on the links below, and view my Houzz Ideabook and Pinterest Board for Photos of what’s trending now for Interior Design! Photo by Window Works – More contemporary bedroom photos Accent Trends White accents Mixed woods and...Posted in Accessories, Art, Color, Commercial Design, Flooring, Furniture, Home Design, Interior Design, Lighting, Residential Design, Uncategorized on July 15, 2016
By Julie Ann Segal As an interior designer, I’m commonly asked, “Is it ok to mix metals?” And my answer is, “Of course! As long as they’re balanced in the room.” Some people think that is an interior design...Posted in Color, Commercial Design, Home Design, Residential Design, Uncategorized on June 8, 2016
Before, this multi-unit Victorian home in the Uptown area of Minneapolis was looking worse for the wear. The company that manages it, GreMar Apartments, contacted us to help them select colors for new paint to freshen it up. Victorian-style...Posted in Accessories, Bedding, Color, Decluttering, Feng Shui, Flooring, Furniture, Home Design, Interior Design, Lifestyle, Lighting, Residential Design, Uncategorized, Window Coverings on March 9, 2016
Many times the bedroom is a room that’s either overlooked or last on the list. The public spaces in the house get more attention because they’re what everyone else sees. Your bedroom needs the attention first. It’s where you...Posted in Art, Color, Feng Shui, Home Design, Interior Design, Lifestyle, Residential Design, Uncategorized on October 6, 2015
By Julie Ann Segal We place art in our spaces for many different reasons – because it’s beautiful, inspirational, or because it makes a statement about who we are or what we believe in. With Feng Shui, the placement...Posted in Art, Color, Featured Artists, Home Design, Interior Design, Residential Design, Uncategorized on August 4, 2015
By Julie Ann Segal While traveling to Florida in June, I had the lucky opportunity to meet glass artist Duncan McClellan. I visited his gallery there – the Duncan McClellan Gallery – which is very unique. Housed in a...