Looking for tips on getting a good night’s sleep? I recently had the pleasure of redesigning long-time clients Janis and Barney Klecker’s guest bedroom. With their last of six children about to leave for college, Janis found that she wanted the guest bedroom to feel more grown-up.
“Julie Ann and I have worked together on this house for over 15 years,” says Janis. “She knows the feel I want to create. She had the bed and colors picked out, and it looked great.”
Here are my tips for the perfect bedroom, and what I did to achieve that for the Klecker’s.
The Klecker’s loved how the room turned out. Janis said that her college-bound son is sleeping in the guest room for now because he enjoys the bed I chose that much! I also picked out new furniture, artwork, and trim. “It’s much more peaceful and restful,” said Janis.
If you’re ever looking to update your bedrooms(s) and want some design help, contact me for a consultation.